Admittedly at the start of this course and experience I was very wary and skeptical of what I had signed up for. Unsure of what innovation was and how it would be useful to me as a teacher back in Northern Ireland. However as the weeks progressed and my understanding and knowledge about innovation grew I began to see the potential and benefits it had for me both as a student and as a teacher. I also really liked how the course was fun, practical and interactive as I believe this is an important element of learning!
Throughout the process I have actively participated in class and discussions and got stuck into every one of the projects. I never missed a day of class and was always striving to work well within every group I was placed in.
I developed so many skills through this process such as communication, empathy, organisation and understanding others's points of view and most importantly creativity! Alongside this I learned many lessons such as creative confidence can be developed (I am living proof of this!), failing shouldn't be seen as failure, it is just part of the learning process, that deadlines are good and that sometimes its better to just get stuck into the doing rather than focusing too much on the thinking and always have in mind your goals so you know why and what you want to achieve and this will help you measure success!
Likewise, I can see the change in myself as I wrote in my first blog entry that I wanted to become more creative and learn different creative methods. Reflecting on this I can certianly see that I have in fact became more creative as I look at the work and ideas I have produced. Likewise I have learned more creative teaching methods both from class and from my own personal research in this area! So it is clear
I was able to achieve the personal goals I set for myself!
Within every project I strived to do my best. Whilst in schools I interacted well with pupils, getting on board with them and their level (even speaking a little danish to them!)
In the first project I was in the group who came up with the innovative idea to make a project where children themselves could be innovative based around the idea of hygiene and cleanliness. We complied a detailed and structured booklet for teachers of how to implement such a project. Our project was real life, easily implemented and could be used straight away and feedback from teachers and students alike were encouraged and
motivated with our idea and what we produced.
In the second project we adapted our first idea in order to them teach children to be innovative! We interacted well with the children and even got involved and into our theme by coming dressed as scientists in white lab coats to add to the authenticity! It was a fun and interactive day and we wanted to show this to the children we worked with. It was very successful in that the children responded well to us and got actively invovled.
Finally, in the last project I was in the Home group where we had to share innovation with our home university. This was the part which I really enjoyed most and the effort I put into it was very rewarding as we successfully made a handbook, posters, 2 videos and got actual feedback from our university. I am excited that Nicolai also wanted a copy of our work to take and use for the future!
Overall, I enjoyed the process and I hope that my interaction with the children, involvement in class, quality of produce of the group projects and blog entries and additional ideas and inspiration I found and added reflects this!
This week in innovation lab marked our final project! Personally, this was the one I was most excited about as I was looking forward to working on an issue of sharing innovation to my home university as I believed it could have lots of potential there as this was something completely new and never been introduced in our University before.
Having met up as a group the previous week outside of class we had a good understanding of what we needed to do during our open lab day as we had decided on a basic framework for our ideas and had an organised list of things we needed to do on the open lab day. This organisation stood us in good stead for the open lab as we knew exactly what we had to do and how we were going to do it.
On the day of open lab we divided into two separate working groups. Hannah and Hollie were in charge of typing up and formatting the booklet which we had composed collectively as a group prior to this and were also in charge of composing a promotional poster which would be placed around our universities displaying information regarding the times and what the "introduction to innovation" day which we had organised was about. Whilst making our booklet we realised the importance of making it
flexible and adaptable for its use both in Spain and Northern Ireland
but also for its potential use in other universities across Europe. We
decided to compose a basic outline so that the day would have a
framework to follow but we also wanted to leave it open enough so that
the people running the day would be able to adapt and chose what they
felt would best work in their environment. We structured it using the 4
step model that focuses on Feel, Imagine, Do, Share as well as including
a variety of ice-breaker games, brain breaks, and practical activities
that could be used.
Poster we composed
Booklet we composed
However before we split into our groups we decided to come up with a list of goals to ensure that our work would match the outcomes that we wanted for the day. And as teachers goals are very important as they allow you to measure the amount of success and see if you accomplish what you set out to do. Likewise because I am always eager to get stuck in I often miss out this step which is vital to ensure that the activities and events you plan have purpose and relevance to your goals. Our goals included for our program day therefore included:
Students and Lecturers are motivated to learn about innovation and their views are challenged
Students and Lecturers form an opinion/idea of what innovation is
Student and Lecturers are actively involved in the planning of an event
Students voluntarily sign up for degree enhancement course on teaching innovation
Students and Lecturers realise the importance of innovation in teaching
As we waned to use a range of promotional resources such as videos, a stand in the corridor of our university and posters to promote our event we decided it was also necessary to set out goals for our promotion too. These goals were to:
encourage people to sign up
inform with details and outline of the day
draw attention and make the event appealing
Andrea, Emily and I worked on making and editing the promo video and
video for the introduction to our "introduction to innovation" day. Together we got people from our class to help us make the video which we filmed on an iPad and edited on iMovie. This first film we made consisted of asking people their views on what innovation is, their favourite part of the innovation process and getting them to be innovative in their response to the question 'This is not a spoon, what is it?'. We wanted to get real life responses to innovation and their favourite part as we thought this would be a useful way to introduce the concept of innovation at the start of our program. The alternative uses for a spoon idea was also a way of getting them to be innovative and creative. You can check out our video below!
Secondly, we made a short, promotional video which we wanted to be emailed to students and lecturers the week before to encourage them to come to our innovation taster day. Within the video we included practical information such as dates and times as well as what the day would involve. We wanted to use humour as a selling technique as we realised that this would be a good way of showing students how fun and interesting the day would be and how it wouldn't be like normal lessons.Likewise we wanted to use a a video as a promotional tool as we realised that students will respond better to technology than a paper copy of flyer or leaflet. Here is our promotional video you can have a look at:
Prezi Presentation
After our whole class was finished we got to share our projects and feedback from the day. As a group we decided to make a Prezi to visually highlight what our project was about and our ideas this included a run down of our case, goals, things to consider when planning for the day, a lay out of the day itself, promotion and support/ resistance we may come across. It was here that we showed our videos and let the rest of the class have an opportunity to look at our posters and booklets which we made. We also shared with them the feedback we had received from lecturers from our university who had commented: "wonderful idea and the concept of learning about, then teaching innovation is just the ind f more active and hands on approach that we need at Stranmillis". This was very encouraging to see that there was a few lecturers interested in this concept and trying to introduce innovation in our home university and the potential for change that could happen in our university when we return home! Likewise our Student's Union President commented that "A Students experience must be shrouded in vibrancy and opportunity, schemes and plans which seek to introduce innovation to Stranmillis can only benefit this process."
We also received feedback from the Spanish University which
stated that "the project on innovation would be highly interesting for
our university". This was also very encouraging as although Mondragon University was already very invovled with innovation it was still very keen to see the implementation of a new project and saw the potential of it in their university. Thus, we had created a project which would have potential for both universities. Support from Universities is key in order to successfully implement such projects.
Overall, I really enjoyed this project and I feel that as a team we worked very effectively and efficently coming up with innovative ideas for sharing and promoting the concept of innovation in our home university of Stranmillis!
Nicolai's brother then came to give a talk on social innovation. I found this very interesting as it broadened my perspective on how innovation can be used not only in education and business world but also how it can be used in social contexts too.
The final thing we did was an evaluation on the whole course using the delphi method. This actively involved everyone in the class as we all had to write 3 things we liked about the course and 3 things we didn't like about the course. We then rotated our sheets and everyone was able to grade each others s statements on a scale of 1-3, 1 being agree, 3 being disagree. I liked this method of evaluating as I had never used it before, I liked how it was anonymous but required you to give fair and honest responses. I definitely see the potential for using an adaptation of this the method in schools as a form of peer assessment for each others work or feedback on work or project they did in class.